Thursday, July 30, 2009

Great deals, free stuff and computer help at one single site

Hey guys, just woke up a little bit ago (had to move a stove with my dad at 3am, but that's a story you'll hear when I tell you some more about myself a little later today) I was thinking what people might be interested in, and I'm pretty sure that everybody likes free stuff, or at the very least, to save money on things they want. is a website I've been at for years. Yes, it may sound like a porno chat (a few typos in the URL and I've been directed to one), however this site, know for its computer HARDware Forums is a valuable resource.

In terms of free items, I personally have received free t shirts, posters, mugs, hamburger helper (enough for a meal for myself), and currently see items for free lube, cereal and pet food just to name a few. Yes, you must be 18 or older for some of these deals but its worth a shot, and free is free right? To access these free deals, you'd first sign up, then go to [H]ot Deals --> Free stuff, or instead of free stuff, you can look at [H]ot Deals -->[H]ot Deals Discussion where people post great deals they find for both online and retail stores. I especially like it when people post their Black Friday deals, and know I personally saved around $100 USD last year on that day.

Well that's the free stuff and great deals part of the site, however that's only 2 out of about 2 dozen sections of their forum. If you are interested in computer hardware, they have a section for video cards, ram, motherboards, you name it (even a section for just cases, or even cooling//overclocking) If you post a question, you are almost guaranteed to have it answered by another helpful forum goer, and I haven't found a problem they couldn't help me with to date.

I could ramble for another hour or so about this site, but instead of you guys reading it here, why not go check it out?

Rob signing out.

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