Thursday, July 30, 2009

Why 36? And LOST is an amazing show, watch it all for free too!

Well I just finished one post, and here comes another already. First, I wanted to clarify my name, rob36. NO, I am not 36 years old, and I will not become rob37 in a years time. 36 is my lucky number. Don't ask why, when or how I got that, but it just is. I can't remember when I first began using that in my nickname in games, or my email, or anything; its been with me for a while now. I do however feel that it is a pretty lucky number, and it comes up in quite a few places considering it's not a single digit like most people have as their lucky numbers (or 13, 21 or 69).

With that said, I'm going to praise a show which has one of the many plots in it based around lucky (or unlucky) numbers, LOST. This show has been around for years now, so if you haven't at least heard of it, you are either living in a hole, or Amish (in which case it's mind boggling that you're even reading my blog).

Anyways, LOST is about survivors of a plane wreck on this island, and although I'm not going to give out too many spoilers, I have to somewhat since it's 5 seasons (I think?) into it already. The survivors try and find a way to get off the island, and realize that there are others that already inhabit the island (known as 'others'). Conflict occurs between the two groups, as the survivors discover secrets about the island, and through the seasons, new people come to the island (the others have a way of getting on and off), and a few of the main characters are killed off to make way for the continuously evolving plot. Even after the survivors get off the island, not all is right, and they end up having to get back on the island to save their friends that never left; by becoming plane wrecked again.

I really suck at giving summaries of movies and shows just so you guys know, so if that confuses you, just do yourself a favor and watch the show. You can watch all of the episodes at for free, with only minor commercial delays that last less than a minute.

ABC also has the majority of their popular shows archived for free online, so definitely a good place to check out if you happen to miss a week (or 5 seasons), and need to catch up a bit.

Anyways, that's it for ABC, a great resource to use when wanting to watch free shows the completely legal way.

Rob signing out.

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